「THE LOST CITY」という映画を覚えているだろうか?アンディ・ガルシア主演で原作が「THE HOLY SMOKING」のカブレラ・インファンテという葉巻愛好家にとって魅力的な映画として特筆ものであった。
2004年に収穫されたタバコ葉は5年間の発酵と熟成期間を経て製品として2009年秋に登場したのである。限定品であり話題性には事欠かないが葉巻愛好者にとり怪訝に思うのはこの時期に収穫したたばこ葉の存在であろう。長い間の経験と知識によりタバコ葉の生産のサイクルというものが各国で一期作というカタチをとっている。何だ二期作出来るじゃないかという人もいるだろうが、あくまでもこれは余興なのである。タバコ葉の生産でもっとも大切とされるのが土壌の問題であり、土地の疲弊という問題が安定した良質の葉の生産を阻害するのである。個人としてはFuenteらしからぬ事をやったものだと唖然とした。今回の「THE LOST CITY」に関しては、折角季節外れに収穫した大切なたばこ葉を残したいというフエンテの気持ちであろうと思う。日本でも販売されるがどうやら充分な数は確保出来ていないようで,予約だけでもう入荷分が無くなったようである。販売開始日には、せめて旗艦店の店頭に並んでほしいと思うのは筆者だけだろうか。2000年以降、各ブランドで限定商品が数多くリリースされる傾向にあるが如何なものだろう?「THE LOST CITY」に関して言うならば,Fuenteは本当の意味での限定生産であると願いたい。このような話題性は今の葉巻の世界では有り難いことである。昔から数多くの映画に効果的に葉巻を燻らせる姿が登場してきた。昨今の嫌煙の波に押されながらも映画にはたびたび登場する。異なる表現能力を持ち、独特のカルチャーを形成してきた映画の世界は葉巻の存在にも欠かせない。ビジュアルとしてライフスタイルを垣間みながら、シガー・スモーキングを目の当たりにするよい機会である。そしてその格好よさに影響されて葉巻の虜になった方も多いことだろう。「THE LOST CITY」は夢ある葉巻の存在となってほしい。
Do you remember the movie of "THE LOST CITY"?It is an Andy Garcia starring and the original was the special mention one as an attractive movie for the cigar lover named Cabrera Infante of "THE HOLY SMOKING".The location of the cigar field that appeared in the movie was done with [fuente] in the Dominican Republic though the stage was Cuba. It was a special season when the cigar of July did not exist in it during harvest season either. So..movie..special..tobacco..leaf..plant..provide.I never thought that I became a product the cigarette leaf at this time and appeared of the dream after six years because of that.The tobacco leaf that had been harvested in 2004 appeared as a product about five years after fermentation and the ripe period in the autumn of 2009. It is existence of the tobacco leaf harvested at this time that thinks it takes in the cigar lover and it is suspicious though a limited edition it and not lacked the topicality. The cycle of the production of the tobacco leaves takes form of first cropping in each country by an experience of long time and knowledge. The double cropping creation and coming, this is an entertainment to the last though there might be a person whether, too. Being said it is the most important by producing the cigarette leaves is a problem of the soil, and the production of leaves that stabilize the problem of poverty of land and are good quality is obstructed. When it was the one that the thing that did not seem to be Fuente was done, it was dumbfounded as the individual. It thinks of this "THE LOST CITY" even though feelings of [fuente] to leave the harvested important tobacco leaf for the season coming off with much trouble. An apparently enough number is not ..securing.. made, and arrival of goods has already disappeared only by the reservation though it is sold also in Japan. Will it be only an author that thinks that it wants you the arrangement in the shop in the flagship shop at least at the sales start date? Will it be the one how though it tends for a lot of limited products to be released by each brand after 2000?I want to wish that Fuente is a limited production in a true meaning if "THE LOST CITY" is said. Such a topicality is welcome in the world of a cigar today. The appearance to make the cigar smoke effectively in a lot of movies has appeared for a long time. It frequently appears in the movie though it is pushed to a recent antismoking wave. It has a different expression ability, and the world of the movie that has formed peculiar culture is indispensable also for the existence of the cigar. It is a good chance to witness cigar smoking while seeing the lifestyle as visual between fences. And, the influence of seeing the movie and to the prisoner of the cigar abundant. As for "THE LOST CITY", I want you to become existence of the cigar with the dream.