葉巻が在る生活提案誌 ヒュミドール

ゆったりと葉巻を燻らせる時を持つ生活をCALM STYLEと呼びます。

There are various touch in the cigar.
You become in the aroma of the cigar, do the charm,
it becomes the prisoner of the cigar,and your living will pass around the cigar.
Life with time when the cigar is made to smoke
is called CALM STYLE in a relaxed manner.
It is wonderful to distribute the comfort and sticking to to the simplified living.
Existence of cigar by which composure and enriching mind
are requested while exciting the senses.
Relations between cigar and modern life that have been loved since old age each other.
HUMIDOR is spicy little bit existence in your life.



ドミニカのもっとも古い葉巻会社と言えばレオンヒメネス社であることは意外に知られていない。欧米ではLA AURORAやLEON JIMENESブランドの展開で葉巻愛好家にも高い評価を得ている。海外の葉巻雑誌でも高レーティングを得ている高品質な葉巻であることに間違いないであろう。日本では残念ながら販売されていなかったが、ついに7月より正式に販売が決定したようで嬉しい限りである。海外発売当初からPREFERIDOSに注目し、海外でことあるごとに購入する機会の多かった葉巻が日本発売となり個人的にも愉しみが増えた。実は縁あって、一年ほどかけ、レオンヒメネス社のほぼ全商品をティスティングさせて頂いた。様々なブランドラインが葉巻愛好家にとり好都合な構成になっていることを実感した。選り抜かれたたばこ葉は充分な発酵過程および熟成過程を経ることにより香高さと滑らかな味わいをもたらしている。毎日燻らせても苦にならないプライス・ゾーンから、たまに週末に愉しむ程度のプライス・ゾーンまで幅広い。そして何よりもコストパフォーマンスにも優れていることは嬉しい限りである。ここ数年、世界的な潮流でもあるLIMITADAも効果的にリリースしており、シリアルナンバー入りのAURORA 100 anyosはすでにsold outとなっており日本に入ってくるのか微妙なところである。LA AURORAが発売する葉巻の中で印象に残るのはPREFERIDOSのTUBOであろう。発売されている5種類のレシピ別に金、銀、赤、緑、ネイビーの独特なフォルムは葉巻を吸わない人でも魅力あるものとなっている。勿論中身もレシピ別にしっかりとしたそれぞれの持ち味を活かしたアロマと味わいを堪能させてくれる。ミディアムとフルボディがバリエーションの中にあるということも愉しい。日本で新たな潮流を創ってくれる予感がするLA AURORA & LEON JIMENESである。

It is not unexpectedly known to be LEON JIMENES Co. if it is said the oldest cigar company in the Dominican Republic. The cigar lover also is receiving high acclaim in Europe and America because of progressing LA AURORA and the LEON JIMENES brand. An overseas cigar magazine is a high-quality cigar that obtains a high rating. I am glad to have finally decided sales more formally than July though it was not sold to our regret in Japan. A lot of cigars at the chance bought whenever it pays attention from at first of an overseas sale to PREFERIDOS, and it exists in foreign countries become Japan sales and the pleasantness has increased personally. It was, and the edge actually spent about one year, and let me almost [tei;sutei;ngu] it all commodities about the [reonhimenesu] Co.. A variety of brand lines took in the cigar lover and it was actually felt that it was a convenient composition. The cullioned cigarette leaf has brought height of the smell and a smooth tasting by the enough passing the fermentation process and the ripening process. Even if they are made to smoke every day, even the price zone of the level of ..pleasantness.. [mu] is wide in the weekend occasionally from a price zone not bothersome. And, it is glad that above all and the cost performance are excellent. LIMITADA also that is a worldwide current is effectively released, and AURORA 100 anyos with the serial number is already sold out, it enters Japan or a slight point at last few years. It might be TUBO of PREFERIDOS to remain in the impression in the cigar that LA AURORA puts on the market. Even the person who doesn't suck at a cigar is the attractive one in a peculiar form of money, silver, red, green, and the navy according to five kinds of recipes put on the market. Of course, aroma and tasting that makes the best use of each peculiar characteristic with which contents are steady according to the recipe are satisfied. It is also pleasant that a medium and a full body are in the variation. It is LA AURORA & LEON JIMENES that the presentiment that creates a new current in Japan does.