Traveling Spirits
The bag comes to want it with the cigar to go picnicking readily. It is too exaggerated and compactly ..not becoming.. preferable though becomes. It becomes a cigar bar having gone out as long as this max Benjamin cigar bar case exists. Weather..give..season..outdoor..natural..quiet..cigar..pleasant.Especially, the necessity that is the distance is not, and wants to go out to a place favorite rich green a park, the river beach, and the beach, etc. readily. A favorite cigar, sake, and ice are put in back early in the morning, and the sandwich at least endures and steps forward the pedal of the bicycle lightly. When it goes to that place somehow to spend a day and it will slow down to the waywardness, this max Benjamin cigar bar case is sure to become man's good mate. Pocket that can beautifully store cutter and device of cigar of writer. Substantially, humidor made of leather of a cylinder type with the humidifier lined by a Spanish Japan cedar. Small refrigerator that puts ice. Four nine-ounce glasses. Four nine-ounce glasses. And, because the bottle enters wholly, the function of the cigar bar is thorough. To our regret, it is a thing personally wanting it by all means in Japan though is not formally put on the market. The time done in a relaxed manner is the one making it and it is oneself that produces. The escape city cigar life might be the one to give freedom and the sense of relief to the cigar that makes them smoke like being usual in the bar though the cigar that makes them smoke in the city is wonderful.
A necessary tool is made a minimum in the picnic. To overflow compactly in the functionality, the typical one wants to recommend Switzerland Swiss army knife. Of course, the type that the cutter of the cigar is attached is preferable. As the content of the function, it is a content of the fault in the picnic such as the wine screw, scissors, the driver, the can opener, the knife, toothpicks for the fruit, and the tweezers. another This type is not formally put on the market to our regret in Japan and is what bought when going to Switzerland to cover. Recently, because various colors become complete, the selection matched to individuality can be done. The steering wheel part is leather in this type, and the mark is pushed and the charm of a chic atmosphere that is type and matted body. The cigar cutter can correspond to RG54 by the scissors type. Sharpness is very wonderful. It is the signature goods that remain in the impression though various cigar cutters were used in this '20.