The charm of the bicycle might always be a thing in fresh feelings from in the childhood repeatedly to do as for the age. These worlds stand in the top of the prosperity of the motorization, and, next, exist in the substitution of energy and the revolution period of the engine. The bicycle also is a counterplan and has unfailingly had a part of of tool about people's livings a certain time in by the side as a leg of the commuting going to school according to TPO in the small travel, the picnic, and daily life of leisure at that time counterplan. It is especially pulled to the charm of Raleigh afresh. The bicycle that overflows simply in functional beauty is eternal existence though it is an old bell epoque. It might be posture that want to pay attention as small chic adult bicycle in which classics are always valued. It comes also for the adult in the age when to want to get on only Raleigh. The bicycle industry has reached new heights of prosperity worldwide. A road bike, a crossbike, a mountain bike, minibero, a classic cycle, and the variation are deep. The bicycle that the cigar suits is especially limited. The bicycle that the suit suits exists though it might be extreme ..near... The existence of a classic cycle is remarkable in such respect. It is Raleigh if it is said it is classic. Let's chase the history that the Raleigh is interesting.
1870年香港から帰国したFrank Bowdenは、香港での実業の激務から体調を崩しますが、友人から薦められたサイクリングにより、医者も驚くほどの快復をしました。Frank Bowdenは、ノッティンガム・ラレー自転車のレースサポートも積極的に行い、自転車製造の技術も高まってきます。Raleighの大きなアイデンティティで あったチューブラークラウンが開発されました。タイヤの太さにあわせてクラウンを製作する必要もなく、軽量で優れたもので、その後も多くのモデルに採用さ れました。ストリートに合った小さな自転車工房を買い取り、通りの名前からRaleigh Bicycle Companyと会社名を名づけたのでした。1896年、新ラレー工場が稼動。なんと16基ものガスエンジンを動力としていました。既にこのとき世界最大の自転車工場となっていました。1897年にZimmyことA.A.Zimmermanは、ラレー初の世界チャンピオンに輝きます。その後1400以上のレースで勝ち続け、主な舞台だったアメリカでは、「大統領よりも名が知れたやつ」としてジャーナリストが書いたほどです。享楽が好きで、陽気で、おまけにレーサーなのにタバコは吸うし、大きなレースの前日でも夜更けまで友達と騒いでる。そんな気さくで偉大なレーサーに人々は魅了されました。1896年、チューブラークラウンに続き、技術者Millにより、鋼板からプレスで生産するラグが開発されます。それまで鋳造に頼っていたフレーム継手部分が鋼で製作されることにより、有名な「All-Steel Bicycle」のRaleighのスローガンが生まれました。また独自のラグにより、クロスフレームデザインを設計。自転車が女性にも大きく受け入れられ、その後の女性用フレームデザインの基礎にもなったのです。 Sturmey Archerがラレーグループに統合されました。後車輪軸部分(ハブ)に内装変速を搭載するシステムの実用化はSturmeyが世界で初めて成功し、1903年より3段ギヤを発売しました。坂道やコンディションによって、ペダルを踏む重さを変えることができる変速ステムは、自転車の可能性を、大きく広げる大きなステップとなったのです。また手元で変速できるレバーは、ハンドルから手を離さず、誰でも簡単に変速できる画期的な特許となりました。新たな可能性を求め、モーターサイクルの生産を模索します。3.5馬力の軽量なRaleightteは燃費22km以上、最高速48kmを出せ、時速35~37kmで巡航可能。8馬力の乗用車にも、走行性能は劣らないものでした。1909年、女性に自転車の素晴らしさと、Raleighの女性用自転車を訴求するキャンペーンを開始。新しいフレームデザイン、 チェーンを完全に覆いつくしたチェーンケース、ドレスガード、スプリング付サドルなど女性のために十分に考えられた装備を備え、13kg以下の軽量なもの でした。1907年に生産量3万台を超え、英国ならびにアイルランドに倉庫を構えます。英国全国にRaleighブランドは大きく浸透していきました。工場は生産量を増加し続け、平均1700台、ある週は1934台を生産。設備機械も3000台を越えていました。その後も生産を増加させますが、第一次世界大戦の足音が近づき、生産に変化が見られてきます。(続く)
The doctor also did a surprising recovery though Frank Bowden that returned home from Hong Kong in 1870 upset one's health from the hard work of business in Hong Kong by the cycling having been recommended by the friend. Frank Bowden positively does the race support of the Nottingham Raleigh bicycle, and the technology of the bicycle manufacturing rises. A tubular crown that was a big identity of Raleigh was developed. It adopted it in the thickness of the tire, and the crown did not have to be produced additionally, and it was adopted for a lot of models afterwards by a light, excellent one. Because the small bicycle atelier suitable for the street was bought, and Raleigh Bicycle Company and the company name had been named from the name of the street, it did. The new Raleigh factory operates in 1896. 16 gas engines were very assumed to be power. It was already the world's largest bicycle factory at this time. Zimmy shines to the world champion of first Raleigh in 1897. It kept winning at the race of 1400 or more, and the journalist wrote as "Guy who knew names more than President" in the United States that was the main stage afterwards. The cigarette is smoked, and makes noise with the friend until midnight the day before of a big race though likes, is cheerful the enjoyment, and is additionally racer it. People were enchanted by such a candid, great racer. Lagu who produces with the steel board with the press is developed by engineer Mill following a tubular crown in 1896. The slogan of Raleigh of famous "All-Steel Bicycle" arose by the frame fitting part's where it had relied on the casting being produced with steel till then. Moreover, the crossing frame design is designed by original Lagu. The bicycle was greatly accepted also by the woman, and it became basic of the women's frame design afterwards.Sturmey Archer was integrated into Raleigh group. The practical use of the system equipped with the interior changing the speed in the post-wheel axis part hub succeeded for the first time in the world Sturmey, and put three step gear on the market in 1903. The changing the speed stem that was able to change the pedaling weight became a big step where the possibility of the bicycle was greatly expanded by the slope and the condition. Moreover, the lever that was able to change the speed at hand did not separate the hand from the steering wheel, and became epoch-making patent to which everyone was able to change the speed easily. It gropes for the production at the motor cycle for a new possibility. It can get maximum speed 48 the km at the fuel cost 22km or more, and it is possible to cruise in light Raleightte of 3.5 horsepower by per hour 35?37km. In eight horsepower passenger car, the driving performance was not inferior. The campaign to solicit the woman's bicycle of Raleigh begins with wonderful in the woman of the bicycle in 1909. A new frame design and the chain were completely covered, it provided with the equipment thought about enough for the woman such as the saddles with the chain case, the dress guard done to attach, and spring, and the light one of 13kg or less. The warehouse is set up in Britain and Ireland exceeding 30,000 production in 1907. The Raleigh brand greatly infiltrated the British whole country. The factory keeps increasing production, and 1934 is produced 1700 averages and a certain weeks. The equipment machine also had exceeded 3000. The footstep of World War I approaches, and the change is seen in production though production is increased afterwards. (Continue. )
The charm of the bicycle might always be a thing in fresh feelings from in the childhood repeatedly to do as for the age. These worlds stand in the top of the prosperity of the motorization, and, next, exist in the substitution of energy and the revolution period of the engine. The bicycle also is a counterplan and has unfailingly had a part of of tool about people's livings a certain time in by the side as a leg of the commuting going to school according to TPO in the small travel, the picnic, and daily life of leisure at that time counterplan. It is especially pulled to the charm of Raleigh afresh. The bicycle that overflows simply in functional beauty is eternal existence though it is an old bell epoque. It might be posture that want to pay attention as small chic adult bicycle in which classics are always valued. It comes also for the adult in the age when to want to get on only Raleigh. The bicycle industry has reached new heights of prosperity worldwide. A road bike, a crossbike, a mountain bike, minibero, a classic cycle, and the variation are deep. The bicycle that the cigar suits is especially limited. The bicycle that the suit suits exists though it might be extreme ..near... The existence of a classic cycle is remarkable in such respect. It is Raleigh if it is said it is classic. Let's chase the history that the Raleigh is interesting.
1870年香港から帰国したFrank Bowdenは、香港での実業の激務から体調を崩しますが、友人から薦められたサイクリングにより、医者も驚くほどの快復をしました。Frank Bowdenは、ノッティンガム・ラレー自転車のレースサポートも積極的に行い、自転車製造の技術も高まってきます。Raleighの大きなアイデンティティで あったチューブラークラウンが開発されました。タイヤの太さにあわせてクラウンを製作する必要もなく、軽量で優れたもので、その後も多くのモデルに採用さ れました。ストリートに合った小さな自転車工房を買い取り、通りの名前からRaleigh Bicycle Companyと会社名を名づけたのでした。1896年、新ラレー工場が稼動。なんと16基ものガスエンジンを動力としていました。既にこのとき世界最大の自転車工場となっていました。1897年にZimmyことA.A.Zimmermanは、ラレー初の世界チャンピオンに輝きます。その後1400以上のレースで勝ち続け、主な舞台だったアメリカでは、「大統領よりも名が知れたやつ」としてジャーナリストが書いたほどです。享楽が好きで、陽気で、おまけにレーサーなのにタバコは吸うし、大きなレースの前日でも夜更けまで友達と騒いでる。そんな気さくで偉大なレーサーに人々は魅了されました。1896年、チューブラークラウンに続き、技術者Millにより、鋼板からプレスで生産するラグが開発されます。それまで鋳造に頼っていたフレーム継手部分が鋼で製作されることにより、有名な「All-Steel Bicycle」のRaleighのスローガンが生まれました。また独自のラグにより、クロスフレームデザインを設計。自転車が女性にも大きく受け入れられ、その後の女性用フレームデザインの基礎にもなったのです。 Sturmey Archerがラレーグループに統合されました。後車輪軸部分(ハブ)に内装変速を搭載するシステムの実用化はSturmeyが世界で初めて成功し、1903年より3段ギヤを発売しました。坂道やコンディションによって、ペダルを踏む重さを変えることができる変速ステムは、自転車の可能性を、大きく広げる大きなステップとなったのです。また手元で変速できるレバーは、ハンドルから手を離さず、誰でも簡単に変速できる画期的な特許となりました。新たな可能性を求め、モーターサイクルの生産を模索します。3.5馬力の軽量なRaleightteは燃費22km以上、最高速48kmを出せ、時速35~37kmで巡航可能。8馬力の乗用車にも、走行性能は劣らないものでした。1909年、女性に自転車の素晴らしさと、Raleighの女性用自転車を訴求するキャンペーンを開始。新しいフレームデザイン、 チェーンを完全に覆いつくしたチェーンケース、ドレスガード、スプリング付サドルなど女性のために十分に考えられた装備を備え、13kg以下の軽量なもの でした。1907年に生産量3万台を超え、英国ならびにアイルランドに倉庫を構えます。英国全国にRaleighブランドは大きく浸透していきました。工場は生産量を増加し続け、平均1700台、ある週は1934台を生産。設備機械も3000台を越えていました。その後も生産を増加させますが、第一次世界大戦の足音が近づき、生産に変化が見られてきます。(続く)
The doctor also did a surprising recovery though Frank Bowden that returned home from Hong Kong in 1870 upset one's health from the hard work of business in Hong Kong by the cycling having been recommended by the friend. Frank Bowden positively does the race support of the Nottingham Raleigh bicycle, and the technology of the bicycle manufacturing rises. A tubular crown that was a big identity of Raleigh was developed. It adopted it in the thickness of the tire, and the crown did not have to be produced additionally, and it was adopted for a lot of models afterwards by a light, excellent one. Because the small bicycle atelier suitable for the street was bought, and Raleigh Bicycle Company and the company name had been named from the name of the street, it did. The new Raleigh factory operates in 1896. 16 gas engines were very assumed to be power. It was already the world's largest bicycle factory at this time. Zimmy shines to the world champion of first Raleigh in 1897. It kept winning at the race of 1400 or more, and the journalist wrote as "Guy who knew names more than President" in the United States that was the main stage afterwards. The cigarette is smoked, and makes noise with the friend until midnight the day before of a big race though likes, is cheerful the enjoyment, and is additionally racer it. People were enchanted by such a candid, great racer. Lagu who produces with the steel board with the press is developed by engineer Mill following a tubular crown in 1896. The slogan of Raleigh of famous "All-Steel Bicycle" arose by the frame fitting part's where it had relied on the casting being produced with steel till then. Moreover, the crossing frame design is designed by original Lagu. The bicycle was greatly accepted also by the woman, and it became basic of the women's frame design afterwards.Sturmey Archer was integrated into Raleigh group. The practical use of the system equipped with the interior changing the speed in the post-wheel axis part hub succeeded for the first time in the world Sturmey, and put three step gear on the market in 1903. The changing the speed stem that was able to change the pedaling weight became a big step where the possibility of the bicycle was greatly expanded by the slope and the condition. Moreover, the lever that was able to change the speed at hand did not separate the hand from the steering wheel, and became epoch-making patent to which everyone was able to change the speed easily. It gropes for the production at the motor cycle for a new possibility. It can get maximum speed 48 the km at the fuel cost 22km or more, and it is possible to cruise in light Raleightte of 3.5 horsepower by per hour 35?37km. In eight horsepower passenger car, the driving performance was not inferior. The campaign to solicit the woman's bicycle of Raleigh begins with wonderful in the woman of the bicycle in 1909. A new frame design and the chain were completely covered, it provided with the equipment thought about enough for the woman such as the saddles with the chain case, the dress guard done to attach, and spring, and the light one of 13kg or less. The warehouse is set up in Britain and Ireland exceeding 30,000 production in 1907. The Raleigh brand greatly infiltrated the British whole country. The factory keeps increasing production, and 1934 is produced 1700 averages and a certain weeks. The equipment machine also had exceeded 3000. The footstep of World War I approaches, and the change is seen in production though production is increased afterwards. (Continue. )